About Us

Making the world safer, one by one is our mission.

The company was founded by us; three long-time friends and dads of college-age daughters. Just the thought of not being able to protect our daughters every day gave us a constant dreading feeling. After seeing several statistics and realizing the current state of the world, we started the search for personal safety devices for women.

Did you know that : 1 in 5 women in the United States experienced rape during their lifetime? Almost 1 in 4 undergraduate women experienced sexual assault or misconduct at 33 of the nation's major universities. Cases in man population are also very common and are on the rise.

After our search, it was clear, that weapons, pepper sprays, tasers and various self defense kits were not an option, as they can many times worsen the attack. After much more research, an alarm keychain for self defense came out as the winner. We tested multiple models available on the market and realized they all had flaws and are not very reliable. That's how AlertU was born.

A high-quality, loud alarm, that is reliable and reusable.
It can be used by anyone in any emergency situation. Everyone, no matter the gender or age will benefit from an ear piercing and strobing keychain alarm.

Gift them to your whole family to keep them safer. Some of our customers even use it in their businesses to keep their staff safer.

AlertU is a trademark registered under Southside Brands.